The educational programs offered at El Centro are designed to empower community members to live better lives.
Community and Membership Special Events allow El Centro members and the immigrant community to come together during gatherings to celebrate a shared cultural heritage and provide mutual aid.
We have welcomed more than 10.000 families
Since 2021 New Sanctuary Empowerment Center -El Centro has been a Community Center, Learning Center, Worker’s Center in East Tulsa with the goal to empower recently arrived and long term immigrants through education and resources.
We have welcomed more than 10,000 families and individuals through our many programs and community events over the years and invite you to join us in our work.
The amazing team at El Centro are dedicated and experienced members of our community who have created a safe and welcoming place for you.
Each team member is a trained Promotora/community peer educator and has lived the immigrant experience.
We especially welcome families and their children to our center where there is always a place to play and learn.
Honoring the dignity of migrants. Empowering us in all dimensions of society.
The Birth through Eight Strategy for Tulsa (BEST) exists to disrupt intergenerational poverty by acting early, when most brain development happens. We envision a Tulsa where all communities are given the same opportunities to thrive, and children are set up for successful life outcomes beginning at birth.